Tag Archives: Biostatistics

The Paste Command in R is Great for Labels on Plots and Reports

The paste command is used to concatenate strings in R. You can use it different ways, which is what I demonstrate in my blog and videos.

The paste command in R is used to concatenate strings. You can leverage the paste command to make refreshable label objects for reports and plots, as I describe in my blog post.

Testimonials for Monika Wahi’s Linked In Data Science Courses

If you have questions about your journey toward a data science career, sometimes you can get them answered with online resources, but sometimes you do not get the information.

Testimonials for Monika Wahi’s data science courses on LinkedIn Learning are posted here. Read what learners are saying to help you decide if you want to take the courses!

Time Series Plots in R Using ggplot2 Are Ultimately Customizable

Time series plots can be customized if you use package ggplot2 in R. You can place labels and configure axes.

Time series plots in R are totally customizable using the ggplot2 package, and can come out with a look that is clean and sharp. However, you usually end up fighting with formatting the x-axis and other options, and I explain in my blog post.

Making Box Plots Different Ways is Easy in R!

There are two main ways to make box plots in R, and this blog post shows you how, and explains the differences.

Making box plots in R affords you many different approaches and features. My blog post will show you easy ways to use both base R and ggplot2 to make box plots as you are proceeding with your data science projects.

GPower Case Example Shows How to Calculate and Document Sample Size

This case example shows a use case where we estimated sample size in GPower under different conditions.

GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.

Interview Preparation for Data Science Positions: Tips and Tricks

You can actually prepare for interviewing for data science positions by doing certain activities, like looking up common questions, and practicing answers.

Interview preparation for data science jobs can involve taking several simple, actionable steps to make yourself feel confident and ready to answer questions with ease. Read my blog post for my tips and tricks!

Counting Rows in SAS and R Use Totally Different Strategies

If you are a data scientist working with large datasets, you need to learn the commands to count both columns and rows in the dataset, whether you are using SAS or R.

Counting rows in SAS and R is approached differently, because the two programs process data in different ways. Read my blog post where I describe both ways.

Native Formats in SAS and R for Data Are Different: Here’s How!

Why use particular data formats for different programming languages in statistics? Because the programs can then process the data faster and with more accuracy.

Native formats in SAS and R of data objects have different qualities – and there are reasons behind these differences. Learn about them in this blog post!

I can write your peer-reviewed article for $4,000. Here’s how I do it.

You may wonder how I can offer to do statistical analysis and write a research paper for scientific publication for so cheap. It is because I do most of the roles.

Having trouble getting your research published? I can write your peer-reviewed article for $4,000. That sounds too cheap, right? This blog post explains why I can offer such a low price while still delivering high quality.

Data Science of Data Collection: Free Course and Course Series!

“Understanding Research Forms, Surveys and Instruments” is a 6-course online tutorial series aimed at graduate students and new researchers so they learn how to collect data properly, and do not make mistakes that can cost them their degree or job promotion!

Learn the “data science of data collection” through my free introductory course! If you want to learn more, continue with the whole six-course series. Great for graduate students and QA/QI professionals!

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