Monthly Archives: October 2022

Referring to Columns in R by Name Rather than Number has Pros and Cons

There are different ways to refer to variables in R dataframes. You can use a field names, and you can also use field numbers.

Referring to columns in R can be done using both number and field name syntax. Although field name syntax is easier to use in programming, my blog demonstrates how you can use column numbers to make automation easier.

The Paste Command in R is Great for Labels on Plots and Reports

The paste command is used to concatenate strings in R. You can use it different ways, which is what I demonstrate in my blog and videos.

The paste command in R is used to concatenate strings. You can leverage the paste command to make refreshable label objects for reports and plots, as I describe in my blog post.

Coloring Plots in R using Hexadecimal Codes Makes Them Fabulous!

You do not need to use the default R colors on your plot. You don't even need to limit yourself to named colors on cheat sheets.

Recoloring plots in R? Want to learn how to use an image to inspire R color palettes you can use in ggplot2 plots? Read my blog post to learn how.

Adding Error Bars to ggplot2 Plots Can be Made Easy Through Dataframe Structure

Error bars on plots can provide the audience an estimate of the amount of certainty you have with your estimates.

Adding error bars to ggplot2 in R plots is easiest if you include the width of the error bar as a variable in your plot data. Read my blog post to see an example.

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