Tag Archives: analyze rates over time

Data Science Coaching: Improve your Grade – or your Career!

Sometimes college students need an academic coach, but other times, career professionals need advice from a peer.

Data science coaching for the right person at the right time can empower them to quickly turn around their grades in college, immediately wrap up a portfolio project, or springboard their career into management or higher! Read my blog to see how.

Applications Basics for Data Analysts and Statisticians

Impress your colleagues with an advanced grasp of the data you are analyzing, as you demonstrate applying scientific research methods to data originating in apps! Take our online course, “Application Basics”, which is part of DPS’s Applications Series.

Applications basics are now essential knowledge if you want to do data science in healthcare. Get a crash course in applications basics!

GitHub Beginners in Data Science: Here’s an Easy Way to Start!

If you are an aspiring data scientist, you will need to know how GitHub works. You will probably want to use it for your projects.

GitHub beginners – even in data science – often feel intimidated when starting their GitHub accounts and trying to interact with the web page. Don’t be shy! Catch the highlights from a recent GitHub beginners workshop I held!

Coloring Plots in R using Hexadecimal Codes Makes Them Fabulous!

You do not need to use the default R colors on your plot. You don't even need to limit yourself to named colors on cheat sheets.

Recoloring plots in R? Want to learn how to use an image to inspire R color palettes you can use in ggplot2 plots? Read my blog post to learn how.

Time Series Plots in R Using ggplot2 Are Ultimately Customizable

Time series plots can be customized if you use package ggplot2 in R. You can place labels and configure axes.

Time series plots in R are totally customizable using the ggplot2 package, and can come out with a look that is clean and sharp. However, you usually end up fighting with formatting the x-axis and other options, and I explain in my blog post.

Review of Boston University MPH Online Learning Modules for Teaching Graduate Level Public Health Online

If you want to learn your terminology in basic epidemiology, then you want to look at these educational learning modules.

If you are learning epidemiology or refreshing your memory of your formal study of it, you always want to have credible scientific definitions at hand of terms such as “measures of association”. Read my blog post for quick links to Boston University’s online educational module!

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