Tag Archives: communicating about data

Defaults in PowerPoint: Setting Them Up for Data Visualizations

The defaults in PowerPoint are really set up for making presentations, not data visualizations.

Defaults in PowerPoint are set up for slides – not data visualizations. Read my blog post for tips on reconfiguring PowerPoint to make it easy for dataviz!

Applications Basics for Data Analysts and Statisticians

Impress your colleagues with an advanced grasp of the data you are analyzing, as you demonstrate applying scientific research methods to data originating in apps! Take our online course, “Application Basics”, which is part of DPS’s Applications Series.

Applications basics are now essential knowledge if you want to do data science in healthcare. Get a crash course in applications basics!

Management Tips for Data Scientists

When working in data science, there are some tips and tricks to managing your communication and relationship with superiors that can help you advance in your career.

Management tips for data scientists can be used by anyone – at work and in your personal life! Get the details in my blog post.

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