Tag Archives: computer programming vocabulary

Bivariate Table: How to Make a Descriptive Statistical Summary in Excel

Do you know how to do descriptive statistics? Learn how to make better visualizations.

Bivariate table is full descriptive summaries of the variables in the analytic dataset being used in a research analysis. To learn how to make one, take my online course, “How to Make a Bivariate Table in Excel”.

Excel for Managing Research: Learn How to Use Microsoft Excel as a Research Management Tool

I have used Excel for managing research since the early 1990s, when I was mentored by a grants administrator who took me under her wing. She showed me how to use abstract deadline grids, grant submission grids, and action item grids to manage research activities. Now, I’ve made these skills available to you through my online course, “MS Excel for Managing Research”!

Excel for Managing Research is a short, practical course that will give you the skills you need to run research teams and activities using this simple, flexible tool!

Color in Visualizations: Using it to its Full Communicative Advantage

When using big data, you will want to make visualizations. How do you use color to the greatest communicative advantage?

Color in visualizations of data curation and other data science documentation can be used to enhance communication – I show you how!

Defaults in PowerPoint: Setting Them Up for Data Visualizations

The defaults in PowerPoint are really set up for making presentations, not data visualizations.

Defaults in PowerPoint are set up for slides – not data visualizations. Read my blog post for tips on reconfiguring PowerPoint to make it easy for dataviz!

Project Management Terminology for Public Health Data Scientists

If you are a health data analyst or a biostatistician, we might find computer programmers and application developers use different terminology for the same ideas and concepts.

Project management terminology is often used around epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and health data scientists, and it’s often hard for us to admit we aren’t familiar with some of the terms. Watch my videos and take my Applications Basics course to get up to speed with vocabulary from the health application development domain.

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