Tag Archives: Cox proportional hazard regression

FAERS Data: Getting Creative with an Adverse Event Surveillance Dashboard

Want to learn more about pharmacy data? You can use adverse event data in a data science portfolio project.

FAERS data are like any post-market surveillance pharmacy data – notoriously messy. But if you apply strong study design skills and a scientific approach, you can use the FAERS online dashboard to obtain a dataset and develop an enlightening portfolio project. I show you how in my blog post!

Joins in Base R: Alternative to SQL-like dplyr

In base R, you can execute SQL-like joins, as long as you use the correct code syntax.

Joins in base R must be executed properly or you will lose data. Read my tutorial on how to correctly execute left joins in base R.

NHANES Data: Pitfalls, Pranks, Possibilities, and Practical Advice

If you are interested in population-level surveillance data, you might have thought about using NHANES data in portfolio projects.

NHANES data piqued your interest? It’s not all sunshine and roses. Read my blog post to see the pitfalls of NHANES data, and get practical advice about using them in a project.

Statistics Trivia for Data Scientists

Public health, artificial intelligence, and data science trivia! Fun! Educational! Test your knowledge!

Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!

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