Tag Archives: healthcare clinician

Statistics Trivia for Data Scientists

Public health, artificial intelligence, and data science trivia! Fun! Educational! Test your knowledge!

Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the MHS?

The MHS stands for Military Health System, and is the healthcare part of the military.

“What is the MHS?” is a question not always asked by public health data scientists, but it should be. The MHS – or Military Health System – serves the US military through healthcare facilities in locations where civilians do not have access. I provide an explanation on my blog post.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the DHHS?

The Department of Health and Human Services in the United States is also called DHHS and HHS, and is the top level department with a mission of ensuring healthcare delivery in the US.

My answer to, “What is the DHHS?” is, “A failed department”, but it is important to examined exactly what they have failed at, and how.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the CEPH?

The Council on Education for Public Health accredits public health educational schools and programs in colleges

What is the CEPH, and how does it relate to the other organizations in US public health? This blog post explains the history and function of the CEPH, and how it connects to the rest of Big Public Health in the US.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the BPHC?

The Bureau of Primary Healthcare is a United States federal agency that ensures safety net services to poor individuals

The United States (US) Bureau of Primary Healthcare (BPHC) is the federal agency that funds our safety net infrastructure serving patients who can’t get on Medicare or Medicaid. I explain how all that works, and the relationship of BPHC to the rest of the public health infrastructure.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the AHRQ?

The Agency for Healthcare Quality Research gives out grants to study ways to improve healthcare through research and application

Want to know what AHRQ stands for, what it does, and how all that relates to US public health? AHRQ is a main player in public health – even though it is technically supposed to be focused on healthcare.

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