Tag Archives: jobseeking in data science

CDC Wonder for Studying Vaccine Adverse Events: The Shameful State of US Open Government Data

The open government data movements in many countries have resulted in government data being available online.

CDC Wonder is an online query portal that serves as a gateway to many government datasets. Although antiquated, it still works for extracting data, and my blog post shows you how.

Color in Visualizations: Using it to its Full Communicative Advantage

When using big data, you will want to make visualizations. How do you use color to the greatest communicative advantage?

Color in visualizations of data curation and other data science documentation can be used to enhance communication – I show you how!

Data Science Services: Which Level Is Right for You?

If you want to learn about data science online, then you want to check out all of our online learning resources, such as YouTube videos and tutorials.

Data science services online in the comfort of your own home? That’s our specialty! We give you online educational events, learning resources, courses, coaching and more!

Table Editing in R is Easy! Here Are a Few Tricks…

When you use a data analysis program like R or SAS, you often have to do some data editing. It can be difficult because the software was intended for calculations, not transformation.

Table editing in R is easier than in SAS, because you can refer to columns, rows, and individual cells in the same way you do in MS Excel. Read my blog post for example R table editing code.

Statistics Trivia for Data Scientists

Public health, artificial intelligence, and data science trivia! Fun! Educational! Test your knowledge!

Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!

Interview Preparation for Data Science Positions: Tips and Tricks

You can actually prepare for interviewing for data science positions by doing certain activities, like looking up common questions, and practicing answers.

Interview preparation for data science jobs can involve taking several simple, actionable steps to make yourself feel confident and ready to answer questions with ease. Read my blog post for my tips and tricks!

Researching Data Science Companies: How to Evaluate Your Future Employer

You should research companies offering data science job positions before scheduling an interview, because you do not want to be surprised during the hiring process.

Researching data science companies who might be your future employers, but you don’t know where to start? Read my blog post to learn my simple approach.

What is Open Access Publishing in Scientific Journals and Why Should I Pay for it?

If you are wondering why it costs so much to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, you need to learn about the scientific publishing business.

If you believe in open source software, then you probably also agree with open source publishing. Why is it so expensive compared to open source software? My blog post has the answers.

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