Tag Archives: anti-racist education

Color in Visualizations: Using it to its Full Communicative Advantage

When using big data, you will want to make visualizations. How do you use color to the greatest communicative advantage?

Color in visualizations of data curation and other data science documentation can be used to enhance communication – I show you how!

The Paste Command in R is Great for Labels on Plots and Reports

The paste command is used to concatenate strings in R. You can use it different ways, which is what I demonstrate in my blog and videos.

The paste command in R is used to concatenate strings. You can leverage the paste command to make refreshable label objects for reports and plots, as I describe in my blog post.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the IHS?

The Indian Health Service (IHS) is the federal agency in the United States in charge of reservation health.

“What is the IHS?” is a reasonable question to ask, because there are a few things that are very special about the IHS and its healthcare facilities. At first glance, these special characteristics may seem positive, but they actually have devastating unintended consequences, as I describe in my blog post.

Need an Online Curriculum in Data Science or Public Health that is Engaging? Here are my Freebies and Hacks!

This blog post talks about how I use deeper learning principles when I develop online curricula for public health and data science.

Need online curriculum in data science or public health that keeps the learners engaged? I share a links to free resources as well as my hacks to interest high!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the CDC?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States provides public health guidance and policy to the population

The United States (US) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was in the spotlight during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as I describe in this blog post, it is only as good as its director.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the APHA?

The American Public Health Association is the professional society for the occupation of public health rather than healthcare.

Curious about the American Public Health Association (APHA) – what it does, and where it fits into the bigger picture of public health organizations? I delve into these topics, and explain how you can get involved.

Applying Rothman’s Causal Pie Model to the Death of George Floyd

Weighing relative causes visually is easier with Rothman's causal pie model

In the murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin, the prosecution must demonstrate that the police officer’s knee on George Floyd’s neck constituted a “substantial” cause of Mr. Floyd’s death “beyond a reasonable doubt”. This presents a challenge in weighing relative causes of death, and this leads us essentially to causal inference. My blog post demonstrates […]

Fall 2020 Update: Education Mission in the End of Days!

Images of fall leaves on trees on a road in New England

After being hit with the pandemic, I’m racing to catch up with my blog! Here are a few announcements of new courses, new scientific papers, and new ideas on data science!

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