Tag Archives: research ethics

Data for Meta-analysis Need to be Prepared a Certain Way – Here’s How

This is the forrest plot resulting from analysis with open source statistical software R using package rmeta.

Getting data for meta-analysis together can be challenging, so I walk you through the simple steps I take, starting with the scientific literature, and ending with a gorgeous and evidence-based Forrest plot!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the CDC?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States provides public health guidance and policy to the population

The United States (US) Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was in the spotlight during the COVID-19 pandemic. But as I describe in this blog post, it is only as good as its director.

Recommended Model for QA/QI in Healthcare: Epidemiology and Biostatistics, not PDSA! Part 5 of 5

The Plan Do Study Act model does not use traditional epidemiological study designs that are peer-reviewed

I describe the three steps of my alternative model to the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model for quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) in healthcare.

“Bad Blood” Highlights the Issues with No Administrative Barrier between Research and Clinical Data: Part 5 of 5

Clinical data and research data are governed by different regulations. Therefore, you cannot mix them together, but you can transfer them around from project to project.

Read my last post in a series on data-related misconduct at startup Theranos outlined in the book, “Bad Blood”, where I discuss their lack of administrative barrier between research and clinical data.

“Bad Blood” is a Lesson in How Bad Leadership Leads to Bad Data: Part 4 of 5

If you work in a chaotic environment, you will notice that there is a lack of leadership, and people do not have management skills.

As a data science leader, what should you put in place so your organization doesn’t end up a data mess like startup Theranos? This blog posts provides guidance.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

“Bad Blood” Demonstrates how a Lack of Product Description Leads to Data Science Misconduct: Part 2 of 5

You need to write a product description for your computer and business applications. Then, when scientists and marketers do research, they know what endpoints to study.

This blog post talks about how lack of product description led to data-related misconduct at Theranos, because they could never nail down exactly what they were trying to do.

“Bad Blood” Reveals Theranos was Guilty of Bad Business and Bad Data Science: Part 1 of 5

Businesses that are chaotic and poorly run do not steward their data properly, and it is inaccurate.

This is my first blog post in a series of five where I talk about data-related misconduct outlined in the book “Bad Blood”, and provide guidance on how to prevent it.

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