Hot Science

For selected scientists who demonstrate exceptional scholarship and research, DPS offers our exclusive membership in our Hot Science peer-reviewed article promotional service.

Hot Science members receive the following:

  • Well-written blog posts about your research on DPS’s blog, “Deth by Data”
  • Tweets through DPS’s Public Health Data Science (@PHExaminer) Twitter account, which has over 3,000 followers
  • YouTube videos about your research posted on DPS’s YouTube channel with over 2,000 subscribers
  • Posts on LinkedIn about your research, which will be seen by over 900 connections
  • Promotion to other social media and traditional media outlets, such as online science blogs and news services

Enter your email and hit subscribe to sign up for the Hot Science newsletter!

In order to qualify to be a Hot Science member, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a completed Google Scholar Profile ( that is up-to-date and has all of your publications listed
  • Have published at least one high-quality peer-reviewed publication
  • Not have been accused of plagiarism of scientific misconduct
  • Have a personal reputation and brand consistent with DPS

To provide scientists flexibility, we offer Hot Science as a monthly membership.

  • Membership is along the calendar month, and will not be prorated to a shorter period.
  • New members will have their membership start in the next calendar month after approval and initial payment.
  • The cost is $100 per month.
  • New members must pay for at least three months in advance ($300). Afterwards, they will be automatically billed monthly at $100/per month.
  • Members who prefer to pay for a year in advance will receive a $100 discount (total annual fee $1,100).
  • Payment can be by credit card or Paypal, and is processed through Paypal.

Here’s how to get started as a Hot Science member:

  • Fill out the form below.
  • Within 72 hours, DPS will review your qualifications. If we need more information to determine whether you qualify, we will contact you by e-mail.
  • Once you are found to be qualified, you will post your initial payment ($300 for monthly membership, $1,100 for annual membership).
  • In the next calendar month, your membership will start, and DPS will begin promoting your peer-reviewed articles.

    Hot Science member policies:

    • Monthly members who cancel will have their cancellation go into effect in the month after they cancel.
    • Members who prepay for an annual membership are discouraged from canceling their membership during the year for which they paid. However, if this happens, the member will be refunded for the calendar months of membership that have not yet taken place at 50% ($50/month).
    • If a member cancels their membership, DPS reserves the right to continue to promote their peer-reviewed articles.
    • The opinion and interpretation of science presented by DPS is independent, and may differ from the opinion and interpretation of members. DPS reserves the right to present our unique view of member’s scientific contributions.
    • DPS reserves the right to cancel any membership at any time for any reason. If DPS cancels the member’s membership, if and the member has paid in advance for future months, the future months of payment will be refunded.
    • DPS reserves the right to determine which peer-reviewed articles or works to promote for each member (although DPS will take into account the member’s preferences whenever possible).
    • If a member’s automatic membership payment does not go through due to a problem with Paypal or the member’s credit card, the member will be contacted by DPS to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved by the end of the current calendar month, the membership will be automatically canceled.
    • Media and social media produced by DPS to promote mambers’ work is the property of DPS and will continue to reside on our web page and in our social media accounts. If a member would like something removed, feel free to contact Monika Wahi, DPS President, at [email protected] with your request. DPS will make the final determination as to whether or not to remove the item.
    • Members who let their membership lapse can renew at the monthly rate without prepaying for three months in advance.
    • DPS may contact members to gain insight into their research, as well as quotes and materials DPS can use in promotion. Failure of members to respond to DPS’s requests may negatively impact the success of DPS’s promotional efforts for the member.
    • No refunds will be given for membership months that have already elapsed, or for the membership month in which member cancels.
    • No refunds will be given for the $300 monthly membership startup cost once the first month of paid membership begins.
    • If a member is not satisfied with the Hot Science promotional service they received, they are encouraged to contact DPS President Monika Wahi at [email protected], and we can work something out.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    If you have published in a peer-reviewed journal, congratulations! You have achieved a huge accomplishment! But many science authors worry that no one will read their article – after all, there are so many articles out there already. Because our reputations as scientists increase when other scientists cite our articles, we worry our articles will get lost in the shuffle and never referenced. Big universities have public relations departments, but even large organizations can only promote a few top researchers. Journal publishers tell scientists to promote their science on social media – but who has the time and skills for that? DPS’s Hot Science service was developed so emerging scientists can rely on DPS to promote their science for them.

    Much of the work is done by DPS President, Monika M. Wahi, MPH, CPH, who is an epidemiologist and a prolific author of peer-reviewed literature (as well as books and book chapters). Ms. Wahi is also known for her statistical instructional videos and is a popular LinkedIn Learning author. Ms. Wahi may choose to include select high-quality writers, designers, promoters, and producers on the science communication team, but Hot Science will always be the brainchild of Ms. Wahi.

    If you are a member in good standing and you refer another member, and that member qualifies and pays the initial startup fee (either $300 or $1,100), you will receive one free month of membership. Please make sure to inform DPS that you referred the new member. There is no limit to the number of members you can refer, but in order for you to get a free month of membership, they must qualify and becoming a paying member.

    No problem! Your three months of membership will be well spent! During that time, DPS will write blog posts and make videos about your science. DPS will keep those up, and they will keep promoting your work even after you are no longer a member. The services that you will miss are the social media promotion (such as on Twitter and LinkedIn) and the traditional media promotion to science blogs and newspapers. And of course, DPS will probably not make any new blog posts or videos about your work if you quit your membership.

    Sure! Just contact DPS. We can reactivate your account and with your payment, restart your membership.

    Absolutely! If you are member and have an upcoming event important to your science – such as a new publication, or a scientific presentation – contact DPS and let us know. We will try to highlight it in our promotion.

    Contact DPS President Monika Wahi at [email protected]. She’ll be happy to answer all your questions!

    This page updated on January 6, 2020