Tag Archives: executive leadership

Excel for Managing Research: Learn How to Use Microsoft Excel as a Research Management Tool

I have used Excel for managing research since the early 1990s, when I was mentored by a grants administrator who took me under her wing. She showed me how to use abstract deadline grids, grant submission grids, and action item grids to manage research activities. Now, I’ve made these skills available to you through my online course, “MS Excel for Managing Research”!

Excel for Managing Research is a short, practical course that will give you the skills you need to run research teams and activities using this simple, flexible tool!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the NACCHO?

You may have wondered if public health workers who are employed by local public health departments have a professional society devoted just to them. That's NACCHO.

You may already know that NACCHO is NOT cheese – but what is it? It’s a professional society for local public health officials. Read my blog post to learn what NACCHO does, and who it serves.

Paid Mentoring for Data Science: Is it Worth the Cost?

If you are wondering if you should set up a paid mentoring relationship with a data science mentor, you definitely want to read this. You want to make sure you get your money's worth.

Paid mentoring for data science can be worth the cost in certain circumstances – but not others. My blog post provides guidance on hiring a paid mentor.

“Bad Blood” Highlights the Issues with No Administrative Barrier between Research and Clinical Data: Part 5 of 5

Clinical data and research data are governed by different regulations. Therefore, you cannot mix them together, but you can transfer them around from project to project.

Read my last post in a series on data-related misconduct at startup Theranos outlined in the book, “Bad Blood”, where I discuss their lack of administrative barrier between research and clinical data.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

The Stages of the PDSA Model: What do they Really Mean? Part 2 of 5

Implementing the Plan Do Study Act model is very cost- and labor-intensive but it is possible to get a return on investment

What are the stages of the PDSA model, and how do they relate to the functions of a QA/QI department in healthcare? The answers are not straightforward. I examine these issues in this blog post.

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