Tag Archives: Agency for Healthcare Quality Research

CDC Wonder for Studying Vaccine Adverse Events: The Shameful State of US Open Government Data

The open government data movements in many countries have resulted in government data being available online.

CDC Wonder is an online query portal that serves as a gateway to many government datasets. Although antiquated, it still works for extracting data, and my blog post shows you how.

Data Close-out Course: Learn How to do Data Close-out Online!

Data close-out course available in the DPS learning center is long and comprehensive, so I call it a “boot camp”. This data-close out course will teach you what you need to know to plan a data close-out.

Data close-out course is what you need if you want to combine data from multiple sources and serve it to users. Learn how with our online boot camp!

Dataset Source Documentation: Necessary for Data Science Projects with Multiple Data Sources

If you work on a big data project with multiple source datasets, you run the risk of forgetting exactly how you blended them together.

Dataset source documentation is good to keep when you are doing an analysis with data from multiple datasets. Read my blog to learn how easy it is to throw together some quick dataset source documentation in PowerPoint so that you don’t forget what you did.

Shapes and Images in Dataviz: Making Choices for Optimal Communication

If you use good judgment in choosing chapes and images to add to your data visualizations, your audience will be enlightened.

Shapes and images in dataviz, if chosen wisely, can greatly enhance the communicative value of the visualization. Read my blog post for tips in selecting shapes for data visualizations!

Data Science Coaching: Improve your Grade – or your Career!

Sometimes college students need an academic coach, but other times, career professionals need advice from a peer.

Data science coaching for the right person at the right time can empower them to quickly turn around their grades in college, immediately wrap up a portfolio project, or springboard their career into management or higher! Read my blog to see how.

Table Editing in R is Easy! Here Are a Few Tricks…

When you use a data analysis program like R or SAS, you often have to do some data editing. It can be difficult because the software was intended for calculations, not transformation.

Table editing in R is easier than in SAS, because you can refer to columns, rows, and individual cells in the same way you do in MS Excel. Read my blog post for example R table editing code.

R for Logistic Regression: Example from Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Logistic regression calculate the log odds of the probability of the outcome. Many people are used to using SAS for logistic regression, but you can also use R.

R for logistic regression in health data analytics is a reasonable choice, if you know what packages to use. You don’t have to use SAS! My blog post provides you example R code and a tutorial!

Portfolio Project Examples for Independent Data Science Projects

Are you a data scientist who is interested in doing independent portfolio projects to sharpen your skills? Then I strongly suggest you get a coach or a mentor.

Portfolio project examples are sometimes needed for newbies in data science who are looking to complete independent projects. This blog post provides some great examples of independent projects you can do with datasets available online!

Internship Strategy for Data Science: Download our Guide!

In data science, you can learn applied skills by being part of an internship at a noted organization.

Internship strategy for data science is not obvious, and even if you are in a college program, they often expect you to find your own internship. Download our internship strategy guide and get the experience you want!

Rapid Application Development Public Health Style

If you work on front-ends or back-ends of health applications, you are probably already familiar with the concepts of Agile and rapid application development.

“Rapid application development” (RAD) refers to an approach to designing and developing computer applications. In public health and healthcare, we are not taught about application development – but it’s good for us to learn about it, since we have to deal with data from health applications. My blog post talks about the RAD approach I […]

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