Tag Archives: annotated survey

Dataset Source Documentation: Necessary for Data Science Projects with Multiple Data Sources

If you work on a big data project with multiple source datasets, you run the risk of forgetting exactly how you blended them together.

Dataset source documentation is good to keep when you are doing an analysis with data from multiple datasets. Read my blog to learn how easy it is to throw together some quick dataset source documentation in PowerPoint so that you don’t forget what you did.

NHANES Data: Pitfalls, Pranks, Possibilities, and Practical Advice

If you are interested in population-level surveillance data, you might have thought about using NHANES data in portfolio projects.

NHANES data piqued your interest? It’s not all sunshine and roses. Read my blog post to see the pitfalls of NHANES data, and get practical advice about using them in a project.

Data Science Services: Which Level Is Right for You?

If you want to learn about data science online, then you want to check out all of our online learning resources, such as YouTube videos and tutorials.

Data science services online in the comfort of your own home? That’s our specialty! We give you online educational events, learning resources, courses, coaching and more!

Applications Basics for Data Analysts and Statisticians

Impress your colleagues with an advanced grasp of the data you are analyzing, as you demonstrate applying scientific research methods to data originating in apps! Take our online course, “Application Basics”, which is part of DPS’s Applications Series.

Applications basics are now essential knowledge if you want to do data science in healthcare. Get a crash course in applications basics!

Curated Datasets: Great for Data Science Portfolio Projects!

If you need data to do a project, read this blog post for information.

Curated datasets are useful to know about if you want to do a data science portfolio project on your own. I made this blog post for our group mentoring program. Check out the ones I am promoting on my blog!

Testimonials for Monika Wahi’s Linked In Data Science Courses

If you have questions about your journey toward a data science career, sometimes you can get them answered with online resources, but sometimes you do not get the information.

Testimonials for Monika Wahi’s data science courses on LinkedIn Learning are posted here. Read what learners are saying to help you decide if you want to take the courses!

Data Curation Course: Learn Data Curation Online from LinkedIn Learning!

Learn how to do data curation on LinkedIn Learning!

Curation files are especially helpful for communicating about data on teams. Learn more about what you’ll learn when you take my online LinkedIn Learning data curation course!

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