Tag Archives: causal inference

Descriptive Analysis of Black Friday Death Count Database: Creative Classification

The Black Friday Death Count database has a list of news reports of deaths or injuries on Black Friday.

Descriptive analysis of Black Friday Death Count Database provides an example of how creative classification can make a quick and easy data science portfolio project!

Classification Crosswalks: Strategies in Data Transformation

What if you have too many categories in a categorical variable? Your cardinality is too high for a chi-square analysis.

Classification crosswalks are easy to make, and can help you reduce cardinality in categorical variables, making for insightful data science portfolio projects with only descriptive statistics. Read my blog post for guidance!

Data Science Coaching: Improve your Grade – or your Career!

Sometimes college students need an academic coach, but other times, career professionals need advice from a peer.

Data science coaching for the right person at the right time can empower them to quickly turn around their grades in college, immediately wrap up a portfolio project, or springboard their career into management or higher! Read my blog to see how.

R for Logistic Regression: Example from Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Logistic regression calculate the log odds of the probability of the outcome. Many people are used to using SAS for logistic regression, but you can also use R.

R for logistic regression in health data analytics is a reasonable choice, if you know what packages to use. You don’t have to use SAS! My blog post provides you example R code and a tutorial!

Curated Datasets: Great for Data Science Portfolio Projects!

If you need data to do a project, read this blog post for information.

Curated datasets are useful to know about if you want to do a data science portfolio project on your own. I made this blog post for our group mentoring program. Check out the ones I am promoting on my blog!

REDCap Mess: How it Got There, and How to Clean it Up

REDCap mess on your hands? The REDCap designers made the application so loosey goosey, you can really program yourself into a messy corner if you don't plan well.

REDCap mess happens often in research shops, and it’s an analysis showstopper! Read my blog post to learn my secret tricks for breaking through the barriers and getting on with data analytics!

Rebrand as a Data Scientist: Online Mentoring Program

Want to apply your domain knowledge to the field of data science? Join our mentoring program!

Learn about our online data science group mentoring program, and find out if it is right for you!

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