Tag Archives: export model slopes

Excel for Managing Research: Learn How to Use Microsoft Excel as a Research Management Tool

I have used Excel for managing research since the early 1990s, when I was mentored by a grants administrator who took me under her wing. She showed me how to use abstract deadline grids, grant submission grids, and action item grids to manage research activities. Now, I’ve made these skills available to you through my online course, “MS Excel for Managing Research”!

Excel for Managing Research is a short, practical course that will give you the skills you need to run research teams and activities using this simple, flexible tool!

FAERS Data: Getting Creative with an Adverse Event Surveillance Dashboard

Want to learn more about pharmacy data? You can use adverse event data in a data science portfolio project.

FAERS data are like any post-market surveillance pharmacy data – notoriously messy. But if you apply strong study design skills and a scientific approach, you can use the FAERS online dashboard to obtain a dataset and develop an enlightening portfolio project. I show you how in my blog post!

R for Logistic Regression: Example from Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Logistic regression calculate the log odds of the probability of the outcome. Many people are used to using SAS for logistic regression, but you can also use R.

R for logistic regression in health data analytics is a reasonable choice, if you know what packages to use. You don’t have to use SAS! My blog post provides you example R code and a tutorial!

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