Tag Archives: career discussion

Dataset Source Documentation: Necessary for Data Science Projects with Multiple Data Sources

If you work on a big data project with multiple source datasets, you run the risk of forgetting exactly how you blended them together.

Dataset source documentation is good to keep when you are doing an analysis with data from multiple datasets. Read my blog to learn how easy it is to throw together some quick dataset source documentation in PowerPoint so that you don’t forget what you did.

Joins in Base R: Alternative to SQL-like dplyr

In base R, you can execute SQL-like joins, as long as you use the correct code syntax.

Joins in base R must be executed properly or you will lose data. Read my tutorial on how to correctly execute left joins in base R.

Table Editing in R is Easy! Here Are a Few Tricks…

When you use a data analysis program like R or SAS, you often have to do some data editing. It can be difficult because the software was intended for calculations, not transformation.

Table editing in R is easier than in SAS, because you can refer to columns, rows, and individual cells in the same way you do in MS Excel. Read my blog post for example R table editing code.

R for Logistic Regression: Example from Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Logistic regression calculate the log odds of the probability of the outcome. Many people are used to using SAS for logistic regression, but you can also use R.

R for logistic regression in health data analytics is a reasonable choice, if you know what packages to use. You don’t have to use SAS! My blog post provides you example R code and a tutorial!

Management Tips for Data Scientists

When working in data science, there are some tips and tricks to managing your communication and relationship with superiors that can help you advance in your career.

Management tips for data scientists can be used by anyone – at work and in your personal life! Get the details in my blog post.

ETL Pipeline Documentation: Here are my Tips and Tricks!

This blog post shows you how to properly document your extract, transform, and load code.

ETL pipeline documentation is great for team communication as well as data stewardship! Read my blog post to learn my tips and tricks.

End-to-End AI Pipelines: Can Academics Be Taught How to Do Them?

What is an end-to-end AI pipeline? And why are academics so bad at making one? These are different ideas we will examine in this blog post.

End-to-end AI pipelines are being created routinely in industry, and one complaint is that academics can only contribute to one component of the pipeline. Really? Read my blog post for an alternative viewpoint!

Rebrand as a Data Scientist: Online Mentoring Program

Want to apply your domain knowledge to the field of data science? Join our mentoring program!

Learn about our online data science group mentoring program, and find out if it is right for you!

Researching Data Science Companies: How to Evaluate Your Future Employer

You should research companies offering data science job positions before scheduling an interview, because you do not want to be surprised during the hiring process.

Researching data science companies who might be your future employers, but you don’t know where to start? Read my blog post to learn my simple approach.

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