Descriptive analysis of Black Friday Death Count Database provides an example of how creative classification can make a quick and easy data science portfolio project!
Tag Archives: patient feedback
Classification crosswalks are easy to make, and can help you reduce cardinality in categorical variables, making for insightful data science portfolio projects with only descriptive statistics. Read my blog post for guidance!
Data curation solution that I posted recently with my blog post showing how to do upset plots in R using the UpSetR package was itself kind of a masterpiece. Therefore, I thought I’d dedicate this blog post to explaining how and why I did it.
What are the stages of the PDSA model, and how do they relate to the functions of a QA/QI department in healthcare? The answers are not straightforward. I examine these issues in this blog post.
Wondering what the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is, and if you should adopt it for quality improvement in healthcare? Read my series of blog posts on the subject for my personal experience and recommendations
Learn the “data science of data collection” through my free introductory course! If you want to learn more, continue with the whole six-course series. Great for graduate students and QA/QI professionals!