Tag Archives: box plots

Time Series Plots in R Using ggplot2 Are Ultimately Customizable

Time series plots can be customized if you use package ggplot2 in R. You can place labels and configure axes.

Time series plots in R are totally customizable using the ggplot2 package, and can come out with a look that is clean and sharp. However, you usually end up fighting with formatting the x-axis and other options, and I explain in my blog post.

Making Box Plots Different Ways is Easy in R!

There are two main ways to make box plots in R, and this blog post shows you how, and explains the differences.

Making box plots in R affords you many different approaches and features. My blog post will show you easy ways to use both base R and ggplot2 to make box plots as you are proceeding with your data science projects.

Data Curation Course: Learn Data Curation Online from LinkedIn Learning!

Learn how to do data curation on LinkedIn Learning!

Curation files are especially helpful for communicating about data on teams. Learn more about what you’ll learn when you take my online LinkedIn Learning data curation course!

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