Tag Archives: programming demonstrations

Connecting SAS to Other Applications: Different Strategies

Did you know it is possible to integrate SAS with other data environments, like Microsoft SQL or Excel?

Connecting SAS to other applications is often necessary, and there are many ways to do it. Read this blog post for a couple of use-cases of SAS data integration using various SAS components.

AI on the Edge: What it is, and Data Storage Challenges it Poses

AI on the edge refers to doing the AI processing and equations at the site of the object collecting the data.

“AI on the edge” was a new term for me that I learned from Marc Staimer, founder of Dragon Slayer Consulting, who was interviewed in a podcast. Marc explained how AI on the edge poses a data storage problem, and my blog post proposes a solution!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the VA?

Veterans in the United States can choose healthcare from a public system after leaving the active duty military.

What is the VA – which stands for Veterans Affairs? This United States federal agency is tasked with ensuring veterans receive their benefits – especially health benefits. Unfortunately, as my blog post explains, the VA is facing a myriad of challenges today, including funding problems as well as corruption.

Making Upset Plots with R Package UpSetR Helps Visualize Patterns of Attributes

If you are having trouble setting options using R making plots, then you should read this blog post.

Making upset plots with R package UpSetR is an easy way to visualize patterns of attributes in your data. My blog post demonstrates making patterns of co-morbidities in health survey respondents from the BRFSS, and walks you through setting text and color options in the code.

Making Box Plots Different Ways is Easy in R!

There are two main ways to make box plots in R, and this blog post shows you how, and explains the differences.

Making box plots in R affords you many different approaches and features. My blog post will show you easy ways to use both base R and ggplot2 to make box plots as you are proceeding with your data science projects.

GPower Case Example Shows How to Calculate and Document Sample Size

This case example shows a use case where we estimated sample size in GPower under different conditions.

GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.

Variable Names in SAS and R Have Different Restrictions and Rules

You need to come up with names of variables in SAS and in R, but they need to be compatible with both languages if you are running a data warehouse.

Variable names in SAS and R are subject to different “rules and regulations”, and these can be leveraged to your advantage, as I describe in this blog post.

Native Formats in SAS and R for Data Are Different: Here’s How!

Why use particular data formats for different programming languages in statistics? Because the programs can then process the data faster and with more accuracy.

Native formats in SAS and R of data objects have different qualities – and there are reasons behind these differences. Learn about them in this blog post!

SAS Macros for Beginners: Learn the Basics with my Tutorial Videos!

If you are new to SAS, you will want to learn about macros. I make video tutorials and have written a book about data warehousing to help learners grasp automation in SAS.

Want to get started learning about SAS macros? This blog post provides SAS macros for beginners with video tutorials to walk beginners and code newbies through the basic steps!

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