Tag Archives: psychology research

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the NIH?

The National Institutes of Health is a federal agency that funds health research such as clinical trials

Wondering what we mean by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)? In my blog post, I explain the NIH’s role in appropriating funding for research, and demystify its role in implementing federal priorities.

GPower Case Example Shows How to Calculate and Document Sample Size

This case example shows a use case where we estimated sample size in GPower under different conditions.

GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.

Data Science of Data Collection: Free Course and Course Series!

“Understanding Research Forms, Surveys and Instruments” is a 6-course online tutorial series aimed at graduate students and new researchers so they learn how to collect data properly, and do not make mistakes that can cost them their degree or job promotion!

Learn the “data science of data collection” through my free introductory course! If you want to learn more, continue with the whole six-course series. Great for graduate students and QA/QI professionals!

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