Connecting SAS to other applications is often necessary, and there are many ways to do it. Read this blog post for a couple of use-cases of SAS data integration using various SAS components.
Tag Archives: install SAS
Project management terminology is often used around epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and health data scientists, and it’s often hard for us to admit we aren’t familiar with some of the terms. Watch my videos and take my Applications Basics course to get up to speed with vocabulary from the health application development domain.
Reducing query cost is especially important in SAS – but do you know how to do it, or what it even means? Read my blog post to learn why this is important in health data analytics.
Making box plots in R affords you many different approaches and features. My blog post will show you easy ways to use both base R and ggplot2 to make box plots as you are proceeding with your data science projects.
GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.
Variable names in SAS and R are subject to different “rules and regulations”, and these can be leveraged to your advantage, as I describe in this blog post.
Counting rows in SAS and R is approached differently, because the two programs process data in different ways. Read my blog post where I describe both ways.