Tag Archives: compare distributions

AI Careers: Riding the Bubble

If you are a data scientist, you may want to do statistics, but you may also be interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

AI careers are not easy to navigate. Read my blog post for foolproof advice for those interested in building a career in AI.

Statistics Trivia for Data Scientists

Public health, artificial intelligence, and data science trivia! Fun! Educational! Test your knowledge!

Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!

REDCap Mess: How it Got There, and How to Clean it Up

REDCap mess on your hands? The REDCap designers made the application so loosey goosey, you can really program yourself into a messy corner if you don't plan well.

REDCap mess happens often in research shops, and it’s an analysis showstopper! Read my blog post to learn my secret tricks for breaking through the barriers and getting on with data analytics!

Benchmarking Runtime is Different in SAS Compared to Other Programs

How do you measure how long it takes for code to run in different programs? And why would you want to measure something like that? Mainly, the reason to benchmark runtime is so that you can figure out how to optimize your code.

Benchmarking runtime is different in SAS compared to other programs, where you have to request the system time before and after the code you want to time and use variables to do subtraction, as I demonstrate in this blog post.

Pie Chart ggplot Style is Surprisingly Hard! Here’s How I Did it

How do you make a pie chart in ggplot2 package in R? It's not that obvious

Pie chart ggplot style is surprisingly hard to make, mainly because ggplot2 did not give us a circle shape to deal with. But I explain how to get around it in my blog pot.

Time Series Plots in R Using ggplot2 Are Ultimately Customizable

Time series plots can be customized if you use package ggplot2 in R. You can place labels and configure axes.

Time series plots in R are totally customizable using the ggplot2 package, and can come out with a look that is clean and sharp. However, you usually end up fighting with formatting the x-axis and other options, and I explain in my blog post.

Making Box Plots Different Ways is Easy in R!

There are two main ways to make box plots in R, and this blog post shows you how, and explains the differences.

Making box plots in R affords you many different approaches and features. My blog post will show you easy ways to use both base R and ggplot2 to make box plots as you are proceeding with your data science projects.

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