Tag Archives: online learning

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the AHRQ?

The Agency for Healthcare Quality Research gives out grants to study ways to improve healthcare through research and application

Want to know what AHRQ stands for, what it does, and how all that relates to US public health? AHRQ is a main player in public health – even though it is technically supposed to be focused on healthcare.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the APHA?

The American Public Health Association is the professional society for the occupation of public health rather than healthcare.

Curious about the American Public Health Association (APHA) – what it does, and where it fits into the bigger picture of public health organizations? I delve into these topics, and explain how you can get involved.

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In a hurry? Want someone to read the data science news for you? Sign up for our weekly e-mail data science newsletter! It will include links to ONLY the hottest new items!

“Bad Blood” Highlights the Issues with No Administrative Barrier between Research and Clinical Data: Part 5 of 5

Clinical data and research data are governed by different regulations. Therefore, you cannot mix them together, but you can transfer them around from project to project.

Read my last post in a series on data-related misconduct at startup Theranos outlined in the book, “Bad Blood”, where I discuss their lack of administrative barrier between research and clinical data.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

Wondering if You Will Like Healthcare Research? Try This: Data Collection

Learn data science skills online in order to develop data collection materials

If you are not sure if you will like doing research in healthcare, instead of starting with big data, start with data collection and get to know the data as it comes into the dataset.

Applying Rothman’s Causal Pie Model to the Death of George Floyd

Weighing relative causes visually is easier with Rothman's causal pie model

In the murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin, the prosecution must demonstrate that the police officer’s knee on George Floyd’s neck constituted a “substantial” cause of Mr. Floyd’s death “beyond a reasonable doubt”. This presents a challenge in weighing relative causes of death, and this leads us essentially to causal inference. My blog post demonstrates […]

This Course in Explainable AI will Get you Ready for the Future!

What do the data say when a machine learning algorithm is applied, and which features are important?

We experience artificial intelligence all the time on the internet in terms of friend suggestions on social media, internet ads that reflect what we have been searching for, and “smart” recommendations from online stores. But the reality is that even the people who build those formulas cannot usually explain why you were shown a certain […]

Two Takeaways from Danny Ma’s Machine Learning Panel: Understanding the Problem, and Understanding your Data

Roller coaster like an ETL pipeline that does automation

This lively panel discussed many topics around designing and implementing machine learning pipelines. Two main issues were identified. The first is that you really have to take some time to do exploratory research and define the problem. The second is that you need to also understand the business rules and context behind the data.

Data Scientists Interested in Encryption Should Take this Online Cryptography Course

Cartoon of person programming with code in the background

Even if you do not deal directly with cryptography, the need to maintain data privacy often leads data scientists to need to study cryptography. This basic online course is part of an ethical hacking certification and gives a basic overview of issues with data transfer and cryptography.

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