Tag Archives: data warehousing

Understanding Legacy Data in a Relational World

Data systems started being in use in the 1960s and 1970s, but these were flat systems, usually using IBM mainframes.

Understanding legacy data is necessary if you want to analyze datasets that are extracted from old systems. This knowledge is still relevant, as we still use these old systems today, as I discuss in my blog post.

Querying the GHDx Database: Demonstration and Review of Application

Many data scientists interested in health are looking to query the Global Burden of Disease database, also known as the GHDx

Querying the GHDx database is challenging because of its difficult user interface, but mastering it will allow you to access country-level health data for comparisons! See my demonstration!

Referring to Variables in Processing Data is Different in SAS Compared to R

When doing data processing, especially extract-transform-load (ETL) into a data warehouse, you might need to refer to the variables in your code, and it's done differently in SAS vs. R.

Referring to variables in processing is different conceptually when thinking about SAS compared to R. I explain the differences in my blog post.

Confused when Downloading BRFSS Data? Here is a Guide

You can download public data from health surveillance surveys. However, you have to know how to locate it on the web site.

I use the datasets from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) to demonstrate in a lot of my data science tutorials. The BRFSS are free and available to the public – but they are kind of buried on the web site. This blog post serves as a “map” to help you find them!

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