Review of Snowflake “Data for Breakfast” – Boston, March 4, 2020

Snowflake is a cloud data platform for big data analytics

Snowflake is a new big data cloud back-end solution, and the company has been holding “Data for Breakfast” meetings in many different cities to introduce data scientists to their product. I went to the meeting held on March 4, 2020 at the Marriott Long Wharf in Boston, and here is my review. Not My First […]

VP at Data Robot Tells Cautionary Tale of Data Science, AI, and Healthcare

Ice cream cone fallen upside down on a sidewalk.

I encourage those of you into data science and AI to sign up to receive digests from Data Science Central. I happened upon this web site when looking for some references for a book I am writing, and found some amazing articles. Since I’m into data science in and AI in healthcare, I was intrigued […]

Physical College Classrooms are so Yesterday. Why Are We Still Studying Deeper Learning in Face-to-Face Settings?

DethWench Professional Services - Never Stop Learning

My colleague who is a professor at Fitchburg State University studies deeper learning in face-to-face and online approaches in higher education. The idea is that if educators use deeper learning approaches, the students will learn more efficiently. Others have talked to me about deeper learning, and when I looked into it, I found that the […]

After Taking this Online Course, I’m Trying an Instagram Campaign

Woman is happy she is successful using social media on her laptop

I’m one of those people in the “over age 45” demographic who is not against Instagram, but never really picked it up. Therefore, it’s probably amazing that I’m doing an Instagram campaign. As a user, I’m bad at taking pictures. My arms are too short for selfies. As a consumer, I’m bad at looking at […]

What is Open Access Publishing in Scientific Journals and Why Should I Pay for it?

If you are wondering why it costs so much to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, you need to learn about the scientific publishing business.

If you believe in open source software, then you probably also agree with open source publishing. Why is it so expensive compared to open source software? My blog post has the answers.

Publishing peer-reviewed research: What should it cost?

Conducting research and writing papers

My initial answer: Not as much as I see people paying paying to publish research. I worked at the US Army for a while, and we hired consulting firms to help us publish peer-reviewed research papers. We had the data, and the questions – the consultants just had to analyze it and help us write […]

Preparing your Curriculum Vitae for your Faculty Tenure Package? Use My Hacks!

College, academia

One day, I was riding home in the back of a Lyft and my phone rang with an unfamiliar Florida number. A voice that sounded gruff and vaguely threatening insisted in a heavy accent that I knew who he was. After an escalating back and forth, I realized it really actually was my colleague from […]

Which Independent Variables Belong in a Regression Equation? We Don’t All Agree, But Here’s What I Do.

Little table of X Y Pairs with a Regresion Diagram with Least Squares Line

During my failed attempt to get a PhD from the University of South Florida, my doctor friend asked me one day to build a linear regression model using a small dataset he had collected from a lab. He had measurements of these “new” chemical messengers called cytokines – so that definitely dates this story! I […]

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