Category Archives: Public Health

Wiley’s Predatory Behavior: My Recent Experience and Recommendations

Predatory publishers of scientific journals engage in unethical behavior, so you should steer clear of them. Until now, I had thought Wiley did not behave like them. But a recent incident made me change my mind.

Wiley’s predatory behavior recently with a colleague’s scientific manuscript makes me want to avoid publishing in their journals. Read about our experience.

Here is the Statistical Reason why Calculating the Coronavirus Mortality Rate is so Difficult

Purple top test tubes held by a hand with purple gloves in a lab

Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) registered on our public health radar as a communicable infectious disease amongst humans, countries try to calculate their coronavirus mortality rate (otherwise known as case fatality rate). As a result, many different mortality rates have been reported, causing confusion. This article from Business Insider reports country-wide mortality rates that range from […]

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