Tag Archives: business intelligence

Make Categorical Variable Out of Continuous Variable

You can make mean, median and mode with a continuous variable.

Make categorical variables by cutting up continuous ones. But where to put the boundaries? Get advice on my blog!

Shapes and Images in Dataviz: Making Choices for Optimal Communication

If you use good judgment in choosing chapes and images to add to your data visualizations, your audience will be enlightened.

Shapes and images in dataviz, if chosen wisely, can greatly enhance the communicative value of the visualization. Read my blog post for tips in selecting shapes for data visualizations!

Internship Strategy for Data Science: Download our Guide!

In data science, you can learn applied skills by being part of an internship at a noted organization.

Internship strategy for data science is not obvious, and even if you are in a college program, they often expect you to find your own internship. Download our internship strategy guide and get the experience you want!

Statistics Trivia for Data Scientists

Public health, artificial intelligence, and data science trivia! Fun! Educational! Test your knowledge!

Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!

WISE Summit 2023: Women Leaders “Created by Courage”

For the WISE 2023 Summit at Northeastern University in Boston, Monika hosted a business intelligence workshop.

WISE Summit 2023 at Northeastern University was the biggest and best one so far! I was honored to lead a business intelligence workshop, as I talk about in my blog post.

REDCap Mess: How it Got There, and How to Clean it Up

REDCap mess on your hands? The REDCap designers made the application so loosey goosey, you can really program yourself into a messy corner if you don't plan well.

REDCap mess happens often in research shops, and it’s an analysis showstopper! Read my blog post to learn my secret tricks for breaking through the barriers and getting on with data analytics!

AI on the Edge: What it is, and Data Storage Challenges it Poses

AI on the edge refers to doing the AI processing and equations at the site of the object collecting the data.

“AI on the edge” was a new term for me that I learned from Marc Staimer, founder of Dragon Slayer Consulting, who was interviewed in a podcast. Marc explained how AI on the edge poses a data storage problem, and my blog post proposes a solution!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the ONC?

Before the ONC office was established in 2009, there was no federal oversight of medical record systems.

“What is the ONC?” is what I used to ask before I realized it involves health technology. Although ONC just means “Office of the National Coordinator”, this agency is now known as HealthIT.gov, as I explain in my blog post.

“Bad Blood” Shows how Theranos was an Abject Failure in Data Stewardship: Part 3 of 5

You need governance in data science whether you are doing clinical research in a healthcare setting or in a laboratory.

The book “Bad Blood” describes the fall of startup unicorn Theranos, but also provides insight into the company’s abject failure at data stewardship, which I talk about in this blog post.

This Course in Explainable AI will Get you Ready for the Future!

What do the data say when a machine learning algorithm is applied, and which features are important?

We experience artificial intelligence all the time on the internet in terms of friend suggestions on social media, internet ads that reflect what we have been searching for, and “smart” recommendations from online stores. But the reality is that even the people who build those formulas cannot usually explain why you were shown a certain […]

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