Convert CSV to RDS is what you want to do if you are working with big data files in R GUI and want to improve efficiency. Read my blog post for an explanation and video demonstrations of this process!
Tag Archives: SAS software
GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.
Querying the GHDx database is challenging because of its difficult user interface, but mastering it will allow you to access country-level health data for comparisons! See my demonstration!
Variable names in SAS and R are subject to different “rules and regulations”, and these can be leveraged to your advantage, as I describe in this blog post.
Native formats in SAS and R of data objects have different qualities – and there are reasons behind these differences. Learn about them in this blog post!
Looking for a SAS-R integration example that uses the best of both worlds? I show you a use-case where I was in a hurry, and did transformation in R with the analysis in SAS!
I use the datasets from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) to demonstrate in a lot of my data science tutorials. The BRFSS are free and available to the public – but they are kind of buried on the web site. This blog post serves as a “map” to help you find them!