Tag Archives: data science training

Apply Weights? It’s Easy in R with the Survey Package!

You can do a population-based analysis if the original dataset used multi-stage sampling.

Apply weights to get weighted proportions and counts! Read my blog post to learn how to use the survey package in R.

Table Editing in R is Easy! Here Are a Few Tricks…

When you use a data analysis program like R or SAS, you often have to do some data editing. It can be difficult because the software was intended for calculations, not transformation.

Table editing in R is easier than in SAS, because you can refer to columns, rows, and individual cells in the same way you do in MS Excel. Read my blog post for example R table editing code.

Portfolio Project Examples for Independent Data Science Projects

Are you a data scientist who is interested in doing independent portfolio projects to sharpen your skills? Then I strongly suggest you get a coach or a mentor.

Portfolio project examples are sometimes needed for newbies in data science who are looking to complete independent projects. This blog post provides some great examples of independent projects you can do with datasets available online!

Making Upset Plots with R Package UpSetR Helps Visualize Patterns of Attributes

If you are having trouble setting options using R making plots, then you should read this blog post.

Making upset plots with R package UpSetR is an easy way to visualize patterns of attributes in your data. My blog post demonstrates making patterns of co-morbidities in health survey respondents from the BRFSS, and walks you through setting text and color options in the code.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the FDA?

The food and drug administration in each country serves as an agency to regulate medications.

Can you name categories other than “food” and “drugs” that are regulated by the FDA in the US? Read this blog post to learn what they are, and what the FDA does in the US.

Querying the GHDx Database: Demonstration and Review of Application

Many data scientists interested in health are looking to query the Global Burden of Disease database, also known as the GHDx

Querying the GHDx database is challenging because of its difficult user interface, but mastering it will allow you to access country-level health data for comparisons! See my demonstration!

SAS Macros for Beginners: Learn the Basics with my Tutorial Videos!

If you are new to SAS, you will want to learn about macros. I make video tutorials and have written a book about data warehousing to help learners grasp automation in SAS.

Want to get started learning about SAS macros? This blog post provides SAS macros for beginners with video tutorials to walk beginners and code newbies through the basic steps!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the CEPH?

The Council on Education for Public Health accredits public health educational schools and programs in colleges

What is the CEPH, and how does it relate to the other organizations in US public health? This blog post explains the history and function of the CEPH, and how it connects to the rest of Big Public Health in the US.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the BPHC?

The Bureau of Primary Healthcare is a United States federal agency that ensures safety net services to poor individuals

The United States (US) Bureau of Primary Healthcare (BPHC) is the federal agency that funds our safety net infrastructure serving patients who can’t get on Medicare or Medicaid. I explain how all that works, and the relationship of BPHC to the rest of the public health infrastructure.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the ASPPH?

Go to the ASPPH web page to search for accredited programs in public health higher education in the United States and around the world

Are you aware of the ASPPH as a public health organization, but you just don’t know what it does, or how it fits into the bigger picture? I give a quick explainer of the ASPPH and its role in public health education.

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