Tag Archives: learning programming online

Native Formats in SAS and R for Data Are Different: Here’s How!

Why use particular data formats for different programming languages in statistics? Because the programs can then process the data faster and with more accuracy.

Native formats in SAS and R of data objects have different qualities – and there are reasons behind these differences. Learn about them in this blog post!

Need an Online Curriculum in Data Science or Public Health that is Engaging? Here are my Freebies and Hacks!

This blog post talks about how I use deeper learning principles when I develop online curricula for public health and data science.

Need online curriculum in data science or public health that keeps the learners engaged? I share a links to free resources as well as my hacks to interest high!

SAS Macros for Beginners: Learn the Basics with my Tutorial Videos!

If you are new to SAS, you will want to learn about macros. I make video tutorials and have written a book about data warehousing to help learners grasp automation in SAS.

Want to get started learning about SAS macros? This blog post provides SAS macros for beginners with video tutorials to walk beginners and code newbies through the basic steps!

Learn to Use SAS ODA (OnDemand for Academics) in my FREE Online Course!

Want to learn SAS, but not working at a SAS shop? Has your university SAS access expired? Don’t panic – you can use SAS for free online! It may sound unbelievable, but it’s true! You can register for a free account on the SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA) platform, and practice your SAS for free!

Want to get started with SAS, but don’t want the headache? I make it easy for you! Take my FREE course in getting started with SAS ODA!

Dumbbell Plot for Comparison of Rated Items: Which is Rated More Highly – Harvard or the U of MN?

This is an example of a dumbbell plot from the ggalt package in R that you can also use in RStudio

Want to compare multiple rankings on two competing items – like hotels, restaurants, or colleges? I show you an example of using a dumbbell plot for comparison in R with the ggalt package for this exact use-case!

Healthcare Data Science Newbie Do-it-Yourself Starter Kit

The tools for healthcare data science include both descriptive and inferential statistics

Monika posts her “data science newbie do-it-yourself starter kit”, with links to cheap or free learning resources for the data science newbie who wants to get started in healthcare analytics.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: What is the PDSA Model, and How Well Does it Work for QA/QI? Part 1 of 5

The Plan Do Study Act model has been used for healthcare QA/QI, but it's not a framework that succeeds.

Wondering what the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is, and if you should adopt it for quality improvement in healthcare? Read my series of blog posts on the subject for my personal experience and recommendations

Two Takeaways from Danny Ma’s Machine Learning Panel: Understanding the Problem, and Understanding your Data

Roller coaster like an ETL pipeline that does automation

This lively panel discussed many topics around designing and implementing machine learning pipelines. Two main issues were identified. The first is that you really have to take some time to do exploratory research and define the problem. The second is that you need to also understand the business rules and context behind the data.

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