Tag Archives: clinical research

GPower Case Example Shows How to Calculate and Document Sample Size

This case example shows a use case where we estimated sample size in GPower under different conditions.

GPower case example shows a use-case where we needed to select an outcome measure for our study, then do a power calculation for sample size required under different outcome effect size scenarios. My blog post shows what I did, and how I documented/curated the results.

Recommended Model for QA/QI in Healthcare: Epidemiology and Biostatistics, not PDSA! Part 5 of 5

The Plan Do Study Act model does not use traditional epidemiological study designs that are peer-reviewed

I describe the three steps of my alternative model to the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model for quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) in healthcare.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: What is the PDSA Model, and How Well Does it Work for QA/QI? Part 1 of 5

Continuous quality improvement through conducting research projects to get evidence to inform change

Wondering what the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is, and if you should adopt it for quality improvement in healthcare? Read my series of blog posts on the subject for my personal experience and recommendations

Data Science of Data Collection: Free Course and Course Series!

Take this free online course in the data science of data collection to further your career

Learn the “data science of data collection” through my free introductory course! If you want to learn more, continue with the whole six-course series. Great for graduate students and QA/QI professionals!

Read Our New Peer-reviewed Paper on the Ketogenic Hypothesis for Lipedema!

Lipedema is a chronic condition that is often misdiagnosed as obesity

Lipedema, a severe metabolic disorder, is more common than originally thought. A non-trivial proportion of women who struggle with obesity actually have undiagnosed lipedema. I am on a research team that just published a peer-reviewed article that presents the ketogenic hypothesis for lipedema, and here, I present a summary.

Fall 2020 Update: Education Mission in the End of Days!

Images of fall leaves on trees on a road in New England

After being hit with the pandemic, I’m racing to catch up with my blog! Here are a few announcements of new courses, new scientific papers, and new ideas on data science!

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