Tag Archives: peer-reviewed research

The Stages of the PDSA Model: What do they Really Mean? Part 2 of 5

Implementing the Plan Do Study Act model is very cost- and labor-intensive but it is possible to get a return on investment

What are the stages of the PDSA model, and how do they relate to the functions of a QA/QI department in healthcare? The answers are not straightforward. I examine these issues in this blog post.

Confused when Downloading BRFSS Data? Here is a Guide

You can download public data from health surveillance surveys. However, you have to know how to locate it on the web site.

I use the datasets from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) to demonstrate in a lot of my data science tutorials. The BRFSS are free and available to the public – but they are kind of buried on the web site. This blog post serves as a “map” to help you find them!

Fall 2020 Update: Education Mission in the End of Days!

Images of fall leaves on trees on a road in New England

After being hit with the pandemic, I’m racing to catch up with my blog! Here are a few announcements of new courses, new scientific papers, and new ideas on data science!

Here is the Statistical Reason why Calculating the Coronavirus Mortality Rate is so Difficult

Purple top test tubes held by a hand with purple gloves in a lab

Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) registered on our public health radar as a communicable infectious disease amongst humans, countries try to calculate their coronavirus mortality rate (otherwise known as case fatality rate). As a result, many different mortality rates have been reported, causing confusion. This article from Business Insider reports country-wide mortality rates that range from […]

Physical College Classrooms are so Yesterday. Why Are We Still Studying Deeper Learning in Face-to-Face Settings?

DethWench Professional Services - Never Stop Learning

My colleague who is a professor at Fitchburg State University studies deeper learning in face-to-face and online approaches in higher education. The idea is that if educators use deeper learning approaches, the students will learn more efficiently. Others have talked to me about deeper learning, and when I looked into it, I found that the […]

What is Open Access Publishing in Scientific Journals and Why Should I Pay for it?

If you are wondering why it costs so much to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, you need to learn about the scientific publishing business.

If you believe in open source software, then you probably also agree with open source publishing. Why is it so expensive compared to open source software? My blog post has the answers.

Publishing peer-reviewed research: What should it cost?

Conducting research and writing papers

My initial answer: Not as much as I see people paying paying to publish research. I worked at the US Army for a while, and we hired consulting firms to help us publish peer-reviewed research papers. We had the data, and the questions – the consultants just had to analyze it and help us write […]

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