Statistics trivia for data scientists will refresh your memory from the courses you’ve taken – or maybe teach you something new! Visit my blog to find out!
Tag Archives: health data
“What is the HRSA?” can be answered two ways: with a short answer, and a long answer. The short answer is that it is the agency that funds public health departments in the United States. The long answer, which I unpack in my blog post, is more nuanced, harrowing, and ultimately, depressing.
Querying the GHDx database is challenging because of its difficult user interface, but mastering it will allow you to access country-level health data for comparisons! See my demonstration!
Watch a video of my presentation on data collection from chronic disease patients for healthcare quality control and quality improvement – and download the slides!
What is the CEPH, and how does it relate to the other organizations in US public health? This blog post explains the history and function of the CEPH, and how it connects to the rest of Big Public Health in the US.
If you are not sure if you will like doing research in healthcare, instead of starting with big data, start with data collection and get to know the data as it comes into the dataset.