Tag Archives: research protocol

Referring to Columns in R by Name Rather than Number has Pros and Cons

There are different ways to refer to variables in R dataframes. You can use a field names, and you can also use field numbers.

Referring to columns in R can be done using both number and field name syntax. Although field name syntax is easier to use in programming, my blog demonstrates how you can use column numbers to make automation easier.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the IHS?

The Indian Health Service (IHS) is the federal agency in the United States in charge of reservation health.

“What is the IHS?” is a reasonable question to ask, because there are a few things that are very special about the IHS and its healthcare facilities. At first glance, these special characteristics may seem positive, but they actually have devastating unintended consequences, as I describe in my blog post.

“Bad Blood” Highlights the Issues with No Administrative Barrier between Research and Clinical Data: Part 5 of 5

Clinical data and research data are governed by different regulations. Therefore, you cannot mix them together, but you can transfer them around from project to project.

Read my last post in a series on data-related misconduct at startup Theranos outlined in the book, “Bad Blood”, where I discuss their lack of administrative barrier between research and clinical data.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

“Bad Blood” Shows how Theranos was an Abject Failure in Data Stewardship: Part 3 of 5

You need governance in data science whether you are doing clinical research in a healthcare setting or in a laboratory.

The book “Bad Blood” describes the fall of startup unicorn Theranos, but also provides insight into the company’s abject failure at data stewardship, which I talk about in this blog post.

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