Tag Archives: New England

AI on the Edge: What it is, and Data Storage Challenges it Poses

AI on the edge refers to doing the AI processing and equations at the site of the object collecting the data.

“AI on the edge” was a new term for me that I learned from Marc Staimer, founder of Dragon Slayer Consulting, who was interviewed in a podcast. Marc explained how AI on the edge poses a data storage problem, and my blog post proposes a solution!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the ONC?

Before the ONC office was established in 2009, there was no federal oversight of medical record systems.

“What is the ONC?” is what I used to ask before I realized it involves health technology. Although ONC just means “Office of the National Coordinator”, this agency is now known as HealthIT.gov, as I explain in my blog post.

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