Tag Archives: academia

I Installed the Free “SAS University Edition” and Here’s What I Recommend: Part 3

Install Free SAS University Edition Set up your computer to use SAS for free

In this blog post, I walk you through SAS Download and Install steps 1 and 2. In those steps, you make a free account with SAS, and you download and install Oracle’s VirtualBox. The screen shots in this post will get you ready for what you will see when you do these steps.

What is Open Access Publishing in Scientific Journals and Why Should I Pay for it?

If you are wondering why it costs so much to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, you need to learn about the scientific publishing business.

If you believe in open source software, then you probably also agree with open source publishing. Why is it so expensive compared to open source software? My blog post has the answers.

Publishing peer-reviewed research: What should it cost?

Conducting research and writing papers

My initial answer: Not as much as I see people paying paying to publish research. I worked at the US Army for a while, and we hired consulting firms to help us publish peer-reviewed research papers. We had the data, and the questions – the consultants just had to analyze it and help us write […]

Preparing your Curriculum Vitae for your Faculty Tenure Package? Use My Hacks!

College, academia

One day, I was riding home in the back of a Lyft and my phone rang with an unfamiliar Florida number. A voice that sounded gruff and vaguely threatening insisted in a heavy accent that I knew who he was. After an escalating back and forth, I realized it really actually was my colleague from […]

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