Tag Archives: academia

Applying Rothman’s Causal Pie Model to the Death of George Floyd

Weighing relative causes visually is easier with Rothman's causal pie model

In the murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin, the prosecution must demonstrate that the police officer’s knee on George Floyd’s neck constituted a “substantial” cause of Mr. Floyd’s death “beyond a reasonable doubt”. This presents a challenge in weighing relative causes of death, and this leads us essentially to causal inference. My blog post demonstrates […]

This Course in Explainable AI will Get you Ready for the Future!

What do the data say when a machine learning algorithm is applied, and which features are important?

We experience artificial intelligence all the time on the internet in terms of friend suggestions on social media, internet ads that reflect what we have been searching for, and “smart” recommendations from online stores. But the reality is that even the people who build those formulas cannot usually explain why you were shown a certain […]

Read Our New Peer-reviewed Paper on the Ketogenic Hypothesis for Lipedema!

Lipedema is a chronic condition that is often misdiagnosed as obesity

Lipedema, a severe metabolic disorder, is more common than originally thought. A non-trivial proportion of women who struggle with obesity actually have undiagnosed lipedema. I am on a research team that just published a peer-reviewed article that presents the ketogenic hypothesis for lipedema, and here, I present a summary.

Two Takeaways from Danny Ma’s Machine Learning Panel: Understanding the Problem, and Understanding your Data

Roller coaster like an ETL pipeline that does automation

This lively panel discussed many topics around designing and implementing machine learning pipelines. Two main issues were identified. The first is that you really have to take some time to do exploratory research and define the problem. The second is that you need to also understand the business rules and context behind the data.

Announcing the Publication of my New SAS Book on Data Warehousing

Learn how to do data warehousing in SAS. You can purchase this book and use the code in it to help you.

SAS is known for big data and data warehousing, but how do you actually design and build a SAS data warehouse or data lake? What datasets do you include? How do you transform them? How do you serve warehouse users? How do you manage your developers? This book has your answers!

Fall 2020 Update: Education Mission in the End of Days!

Images of fall leaves on trees on a road in New England

After being hit with the pandemic, I’m racing to catch up with my blog! Here are a few announcements of new courses, new scientific papers, and new ideas on data science!

Review of Boston University MPH Online Learning Modules for Teaching Graduate Level Public Health Online

If you want to learn your terminology in basic epidemiology, then you want to look at these educational learning modules.

If you are learning epidemiology or refreshing your memory of your formal study of it, you always want to have credible scientific definitions at hand of terms such as “measures of association”. Read my blog post for quick links to Boston University’s online educational module!

Physical College Classrooms are so Yesterday. Why Are We Still Studying Deeper Learning in Face-to-Face Settings?

DethWench Professional Services - Never Stop Learning

My colleague who is a professor at Fitchburg State University studies deeper learning in face-to-face and online approaches in higher education. The idea is that if educators use deeper learning approaches, the students will learn more efficiently. Others have talked to me about deeper learning, and when I looked into it, I found that the […]

I Installed the Free “SAS University Edition” and Here’s What I Recommend: Part 2

Install Free SAS in 4 steps Install Free SAS University Edition

SAS University Edition is free to use and helpful for the learner, but it is honestly very hard to download and set up, because there are many complex steps. SAS provides guidance, but there are a lot of confusing parts to the process. This post is the second in a four-part series that helps walk […]

I Installed the Free “SAS University Edition” and Here’s What I Recommend: Part 4

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