Tag Archives: quality improvement

CDC Wonder for Studying Vaccine Adverse Events: The Shameful State of US Open Government Data

The open government data movements in many countries have resulted in government data being available online.

CDC Wonder is an online query portal that serves as a gateway to many government datasets. Although antiquated, it still works for extracting data, and my blog post shows you how.

Presentation on Data Collection for Healthcare QA/QI in Chronic Disease

Quality improvement and assurance departments in healthcare do many functions all at once, including monitoring and research

Watch a video of my presentation on data collection from chronic disease patients for healthcare quality control and quality improvement – and download the slides!

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the CMS?

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are known as CMS, and manage the public insurance system at the federal level in the United States.

You might wonder what CMS – the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – actually does. This blog post provides an overview of CMS’s role and activity in the US healthcare system.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the AHRQ?

The Agency for Healthcare Quality Research gives out grants to study ways to improve healthcare through research and application

Want to know what AHRQ stands for, what it does, and how all that relates to US public health? AHRQ is a main player in public health – even though it is technically supposed to be focused on healthcare.

Alternative to the PDSA Model for QA/QI in Healthcare? Old-fashioned Epidemiology and Biostatistics! Part 4 of 5

The Plan Do Study Act model does not take into account all functions of a healthcare quality improvement and assurance department

Want an alternative to the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) model for quality assurance/quality improvement (QA/QI) in healthcare? I recommend approaching QA/QI a different way, by thinking about the various functions of the QA/QI department.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

Wondering if You Will Like Healthcare Research? Try This: Data Collection

Learn data science skills online in order to develop data collection materials

If you are not sure if you will like doing research in healthcare, instead of starting with big data, start with data collection and get to know the data as it comes into the dataset.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: What is the PDSA Model, and How Well Does it Work for QA/QI? Part 1 of 5

The Plan Do Study Act model has been used for healthcare QA/QI, but it's not a framework that succeeds.

Wondering what the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is, and if you should adopt it for quality improvement in healthcare? Read my series of blog posts on the subject for my personal experience and recommendations

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