Tag Archives: access to healthcare

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the IHS?

The Indian Health Service (IHS) is the federal agency in the United States in charge of reservation health.

“What is the IHS?” is a reasonable question to ask, because there are a few things that are very special about the IHS and its healthcare facilities. At first glance, these special characteristics may seem positive, but they actually have devastating unintended consequences, as I describe in my blog post.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the VA?

Veterans in the United States can choose healthcare from a public system after leaving the active duty military.

What is the VA – which stands for Veterans Affairs? This United States federal agency is tasked with ensuring veterans receive their benefits – especially health benefits. Unfortunately, as my blog post explains, the VA is facing a myriad of challenges today, including funding problems as well as corruption.

US Public Health Alphabet Soup Explained: What is the MHS?

The MHS stands for Military Health System, and is the healthcare part of the military.

“What is the MHS?” is a question not always asked by public health data scientists, but it should be. The MHS – or Military Health System – serves the US military through healthcare facilities in locations where civilians do not have access. I provide an explanation on my blog post.

What is Open Access Publishing in Scientific Journals and Why Should I Pay for it?

If you are wondering why it costs so much to publish in the peer-reviewed literature, you need to learn about the scientific publishing business.

If you believe in open source software, then you probably also agree with open source publishing. Why is it so expensive compared to open source software? My blog post has the answers.

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