Monthly Archives: June 2024

CDC Wonder for Studying Vaccine Adverse Events: The Shameful State of US Open Government Data

The open government data movements in many countries have resulted in government data being available online.

CDC Wonder is an online query portal that serves as a gateway to many government datasets. Although antiquated, it still works for extracting data, and my blog post shows you how.

Bivariate Table: How to Make a Descriptive Statistical Summary in Excel

Do you know how to do descriptive statistics? Learn how to make better visualizations.

Bivariate table is full descriptive summaries of the variables in the analytic dataset being used in a research analysis. To learn how to make one, take my online course, “How to Make a Bivariate Table in Excel”.

AI Careers: Riding the Bubble

If you are a data scientist, you may want to do statistics, but you may also be interested in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

AI careers are not easy to navigate. Read my blog post for foolproof advice for those interested in building a career in AI.

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