Tag Archives: review paper

I can write your peer-reviewed article for $4,000. Here’s how I do it.

You may wonder how I can offer to do statistical analysis and write a research paper for scientific publication for so cheap. It is because I do most of the roles.

Having trouble getting your research published? I can write your peer-reviewed article for $4,000. That sounds too cheap, right? This blog post explains why I can offer such a low price while still delivering high quality.

“Bad Blood” is a Lesson in How Bad Leadership Leads to Bad Data: Part 4 of 5

If you work in a chaotic environment, you will notice that there is a lack of leadership, and people do not have management skills.

As a data science leader, what should you put in place so your organization doesn’t end up a data mess like startup Theranos? This blog posts provides guidance.

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

Review of Snowflake “Data for Breakfast” – Boston, March 4, 2020

Snowflake is a cloud data platform for big data analytics

Snowflake is a new big data cloud back-end solution, and the company has been holding “Data for Breakfast” meetings in many different cities to introduce data scientists to their product. I went to the meeting held on March 4, 2020 at the Marriott Long Wharf in Boston, and here is my review. Not My First […]

VP at Data Robot Tells Cautionary Tale of Data Science, AI, and Healthcare

Ice cream cone fallen upside down on a sidewalk.

I encourage those of you into data science and AI to sign up to receive digests from Data Science Central. I happened upon this web site when looking for some references for a book I am writing, and found some amazing articles. Since I’m into data science in and AI in healthcare, I was intrigued […]

Physical College Classrooms are so Yesterday. Why Are We Still Studying Deeper Learning in Face-to-Face Settings?

DethWench Professional Services - Never Stop Learning

My colleague who is a professor at Fitchburg State University studies deeper learning in face-to-face and online approaches in higher education. The idea is that if educators use deeper learning approaches, the students will learn more efficiently. Others have talked to me about deeper learning, and when I looked into it, I found that the […]

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