Tag Archives: public health departments

Does the PDSA Model Work? Part 3 of 5

Quality assurance and improvement specialists wonder whether the Plan Do Study Act model works or not

The Plan-Do-Study-Act model is promoted for quality assurance/quality improvement in healthcare. But does it have any peer-reviewed evidence base behind it? I examine that in this blog post.

The Stages of the PDSA Model: What do they Really Mean? Part 2 of 5

Implementing the Plan Do Study Act model is very cost- and labor-intensive but it is possible to get a return on investment

What are the stages of the PDSA model, and how do they relate to the functions of a QA/QI department in healthcare? The answers are not straightforward. I examine these issues in this blog post.

Quality Improvement in Healthcare: What is the PDSA Model, and How Well Does it Work for QA/QI? Part 1 of 5

Continuous quality improvement through conducting research projects to get evidence to inform change

Wondering what the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Model is, and if you should adopt it for quality improvement in healthcare? Read my series of blog posts on the subject for my personal experience and recommendations

Why COVID-19 is Overrunning the US in Late 2020: Overlapping Epicurves

Data in simulated epicurves show frequencies and explain outbreak timing

While other countries have found a way to control their community spread of COVID-19 while waiting for the vaccine program to be implemented, the United States has totally failed at this. An epicurve is a diagram of the timing of an outbreak, and in other countries, this curve has been flattened. But in the United […]

Here is the Statistical Reason why Calculating the Coronavirus Mortality Rate is so Difficult

Purple top test tubes held by a hand with purple gloves in a lab

Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) registered on our public health radar as a communicable infectious disease amongst humans, countries try to calculate their coronavirus mortality rate (otherwise known as case fatality rate). As a result, many different mortality rates have been reported, causing confusion. This article from Business Insider reports country-wide mortality rates that range from […]

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