CitePeeps is a new, online community of scientific authors who publish in the peer-reviewed literature supported through an asynchronous web application (“app”). Scientific authors choose to create an account in the application and join the community for the purpose of increasing the number of citations to their peer-reviewed publications made by other authors.
CitePeeps Mission: To be the most valuable online community to publishing scholars for the purpose of increasing the number of citations to their work, which in turn will expand the visibility of their publications.
CitePeeps Vision: To not only contribute to elevating the quality of scientific writing overall, but to improve equity with respect to the visibility of global scientific works.
How CitePeeps Works
Here is how you use CitePeeps for increasing the number of citations to your scientific publications.
Step 1: Set Up Your CitePeeps Profile and Showcase Your Publications!
- CitePeeps allows you to create your own user profile, then import the information about your peer-reviewed publications from Google Scholar.
- You also have the option of doing data entry to add them yourself.
- You are allowed to select which publications you showcase, and you can provide your own annotations or comments about the publication to persuade others to cite it!

Step 2: Get and Make Referrals on the CitePeeps Discussion Board!
- Post questions on the board asking for referrals to scientific publications relevant to the project on which you are working. That way, other members of the community can recommend that you cite their publications if they are relevant.
- Post answers on the board directing members to your scientific publications if they are relevant. That way, they know to cite them when they are writing up their project.

Step 3: Follow Others and Attract Your Own Following!
- In CitePeeps, you can follow other scientific writers working in your field. You can cite their research when you go to publish, and you may even become co-authors someday!
- CitePeeps provides you a platform to attract other authors to follow you. That way, they will be notified each time you add a publication to CitePeeps.
- In this way, participation in CitePeeps will increase cross-referencing and opportunities for co-authorship for members.

Step 4: Advance Levels in CitePeeps as you Cite Other CitePeeps Member’s Publications!
- Each time you cite works showcased by anyone in the CitePeeps community, your “Peeps I Cited” number will increase, thus increasing your standing in our community.
- The best way to get cited is to start by citing others! As you increase the “Peeps I Cited” number, you are encouraging others in the community to cite your works, and increase the “Peeps Citing Me” number.

Updated March 13, 2023. Added Vanguard site sign-up on July 16, 2023.
CitePeeps is a new online community of scientific authors focused on increasing the number of citations to their published works. Join us!